general the procedure questions & answers 


Frequently Asked Questions.

Not required

Hospital Stay:
Day case

Stitch removal:
No stitches

Return to work:

Is the LIPOSONIX treatment safe?

The LIPOSONIX treatment has 10 years of research and development. In these studies, the LIPOSONIX treatment was shown to have a well-defined safety profile during the treatment and after, when your body is using its natural processes to get rid of destroyed fat. Mild side effects may occur, please see bellow.

What king of results can I expect?

Clinical studies have shown an average loss of about 2.0 cm in waist circumference after a single treatment. This equates to about one belt or dress size.

When will I see results?

Most people see maximum results in 12 weeks. This is the time it takes for the body to naturally metabolize the destroyed fat tissue.

What does the treatment feel like?

As with most aesthetic treatments, some patients may experience mild discomfort. DUring treatment, you may feel cold, prickling, tingling, warmth discomfort or pain. After treatment, you may have temporary redness, mild bruising, discomfort and swelling.

Will I need more than one LIPOSONIX treatment?

Your healthcare provider will give you guidance on the results you should expect based on a physical examination and discussion of your goals.

What will I need to do after the LIPOSONIX treatment?

There are no special requirements, you can resume your regular activities!

Get in touch. Talk to our helpful team or book a consultation with Mr Lucian Ion. Call 0207 486 7757